Rome, May 2016
Welcome to Rome! Here there be ruins and old houses and churches and temples
and lots of other things.
And welcome to the colosseum.
Alas and alack, there is an entrance fee these days to the forum.
This is the view from the cheap seats, i.e. outside the perimeter fence.
Anyone fancy a bath? Noone is watching you, noone at all...
If there already was half a building, why bother starting from the
beginning. This is the Teatro Marcello. Which bit is the original is left as an
exercise to the reader.
Another classic view. (Are there any other sort of view in this city?)
This is Piazza Navona, in case you were wondering.
The Basilica San Pietro. If you're visiting for the jubilee, you have
a special access route, us mere mortals use the pavement.
Mandatory seagull photo, this one and his friend can be found at the exit from
St Peter's Church.
Some more ruins; this is Largo Torre Argentina. There are more cats than
silver towers though.
View over Piazza del Popolo.
Some other famous statue in the middle of city traffic. Piazza Barberini
has that in common with Place de la République in Paris.
Small temples near the Bocca della verità. The round one is
Tempio di Ercole Vincitore says google maps.
Behind Trajanus' markets. And with this I leave you for this time.